Transfer of Rights Agreement


serves as a template provided by Ghost Production Market (“Ghost Production Market”) for parties interested in transferring rights through its website. It ensures compliance with international copyright laws, particularly the Berne Convention. The agreement outlines the terms between the Licensor (original creator) and Licensee (interested party). The Company acts as a technology platform facilitating the sale of rights. The Licensor affirms the originality of the work and agrees to transfer rights exclusively to the Licensee. The Licensee agrees to pay for the rights and use the work within legal bounds. Moral rights of the Licensor are acknowledged, including the right to remain anonymous if desired. The Licensee can exploit the work under their own name or brand. Both parties agree to indemnify the Company against legal issues. Disputes between parties will be resolved independently. If any part of the contract is invalid, it will be replaced, and the rest remains intact. The Company stores transaction data and may disclose information in legal or administrative matters. The Licensor’s original name is disclosed to the Licensee, and the Licensee’s signature is shared with the Licensor. Both parties confirm acceptance of the Terms of Use and agree to Sofia, Bulgaria’s courts for legal conflicts with the Company.